Productive procrastination

Today’s post comes as a continuation of last week’s positive procrastination!

Watch TED Talks | Whenever I watch TED Talks, I’m always in awe of the powerful messages the speakers share, in awe of how articulate they are, and in awe of how fun learning can be. Learning is more than just textbooks!

Netflix Khan Academy and Chill | It’s what all the cool kids do nowadays. Trust me. I’m a science.

Browse Athena’s Guide | We try our best to make our posts engaging with informative topics and fun GIFs!

Browse Her Campus | It’s like BuzzFeed, but specifically for Mawrters, and written by Mawrters!

Write for Her Campus | Have something you want to talk about but don’t have a platform to share it on? Her Campus got you!

Organise | Your room, your planner, your email inbox, etc.