“Forest is an app helping you put down your phone and focus on what’s more important in your life. Whenever you want to focus on your work, plant a tree. In the next 30 mins, it will grow when you are working. The tree will be killed if you leave this app.”
Author Archives: Audrey Lin
Fall break!
Congrats, you made it! See you in a week 🙂
Take. care. of. yourself.
Just one more week before Fall Break! Even if you might feel like you’re at your wit’s end, keep hanging in there!
Prepping for upcoming mid-terms
Can you believe that Fall Break is in two weeks?? I didn’t realise it until my roommate mentioned it, and she didn’t realise it until her friend mentioned it. On one hand, I can’t wait to have a week off from my never-ending stream of CS labs, but on the other hand, the week before Fall Break, man, that can be tough.
Setting yourself up for the semester
If you lay a good foundation, it’ll be easier to fall into your rhythm and routine. Here are some basic tips to set yourself up for the semester:
Welcome back!
I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe that we’re only already only already (???) two weeks into the school year!
Here at Bryn Mawr, I have no doubt that y’all are academic achievers, so after the craziness of the first two weeks (and with many more crazy weeks to come), I’m here to say: take a breather.
Yes, start the semester off on the right foot. Know your professors. Be on top of your work.
But also, take care of yourself and try to enjoy everything. It’s too early in the year to bury yourself in a pile of books! Don’t you know that this is the best time of year? Autumn is approaching, and the holiday season will come rolling in.
Take a look around. Check your email for Activities Digest. See what’s going on in the city with Facebook Events. (Pick up your free SEPTA ticket from Guild Lobby!)
TONIGHT 09/09/2016, 7:30PM //Bryn Mawr Film Series screening Zootopia in TGH
09/10/2016, 9:00AM-1:00PM // (every Saturday) Bryn Mawr Farmer’s Market at municipal parking lot #7 (on the other side of the SEPTA station, across the Bryn Mawr post office)
09/10/2016, 9:00AM-2:00PM // Bryn Mawr Day at the municipal lot at Lancaster and Bryn Mawr Aves. (on the other side of the SEPTA station, across Ludington Library)
09/10/2016, 10:00AM-4:00PM // CollegeFest at Dilworth Park City Hall
09/10/2016, 7:30PM // Bryn Mawr Film Series screening Pariah in TGH
I’ll be back every Friday with a new post, and I promise I’ll write more about school, but for now, enjoy yourself and just take it day by day.
You got this!
Just popping by with a quick reminder and word of encouragement (we’ve got enough readings and materials to study): We’re so close yet too far from summer. We’ve still got one week of classes and two weeks of finals. Don’t check out of the school year yet! These last few weeks will be critical, so finish it off strong!
Conscious breaks
Are you hanging on your wit’s end? I know that I’ve been getting a little extra tense in the past few days and undoubtedly will continue to feel the pressure as the term wraps up.
The last two weeks of classes…
A picture is worth a thousand words. A moving picture, well…
End-Of-Year Checklist
There’s A LOT going on at the end of the year. You might be feeling a bit in over your head. When I’m feeling like that, I like to write down everything in a list, so that when I look back to it, I realize: You know what? It’s not too bad.
Here’s a checklist I made of end-of-the-year to-do’s. Feel free to use it! Just click and save.