Welp. We have one more week until finals. I guess we should be productive or something. Continue reading
Author Archives: Audrey Lin
Self-Care Everywhere Week (in review)
Every month we have another theme on the blog. Last month was time management, and this month is mental health. A great way to keep up your mental health is to practice self-care. It just so happens that Self-Care Week was happening this month, so Athena’s Guide decided to team up with the Self-Care Committee and spread the love. Read on to see what we’ve been up to!
Happy place
We could all do with a vacation every once in awhile (@winter break, I’ve got my eye on you). Unfortunately, my academic schedule is not flexible enough and my wallet is not big enough to accommodate all the vacations my mind, body, and soul need/want. So I’m going to make wherever I am right now, my happy place, and you can too!
Pause ft. The Thoughts Room
When was the last time you took a break? And I don’t mean taking a break from work only to fill it with distractions (i.e. Tumblr). I mean, when was the last time you took a proper break?
Your feelings are valid.
As the wise Jessie J. once said, it’s okay not to be okay. Your feelings are real and they are valid. We all have our battles, and the battle you are fighting is as real to you as the battle I am fighting is as real to me is as real as the battle any other person is fighting is as real to them.
Pets on the Green!!!
Save the date for Pets on the Green on Mon., October 26 at 11:30AM-1:30PM on Merion Green, brought to you by Bryn Mawr College’s Health Counseling Services and Self-Care Committee.
If you’re not planning on coming, here are some reasons why you might want to reconsider:
Early bird
I can’t believe that fall break is almost over! It’s been absolute paradise waking up without an alarm for the past week. Soon I’ll be reverting back to the snooze button lifestyle, UNLESS…
Let whatever you get done today be enough
We’ve made it to Fall Break! I’m sure this past week wasn’t the easiest, but we made it! Some of us may be mentally pummeling ourselves. Some of us may feel a wave of relief washing over.
Have a wonderful, restful, exciting Fall Break. I know we’re told we have a break from school, from work, but how many of us literally don’t have any work? Yeah, I thought so.
So that we don’t come back from break in a frantic panic over everything we haven’t yet done, every morning, write a to-do list of three tasks for the day, no more, no less, whether it’s for fun, for self-care, or for academics. Then every night, write down a “done!” list to accompany it.
And let whatever you get done today be enough. Done is good!
Reclaim time ft. Document Converter
You may not ever have “enough” time, but everyone has the same amount, so no complaining (no time for it anyway). We all have the same 24 hours in a day. But where do they all go?
Self Control
Don’t have enough self control to keep yourself away from those pesky distractors? No fear! Now you can download it for only $0.00! Yes, that’s right, $0.00! What a bargain!